Sheila Moravati

It's so easy . It's free like four steps to start a crayon collection in your school and you're benefiting your own community . So we have a school finder .

Sheila Moravati

You're a busy mom to creating Crayon Collection . Can you tell us a little bit about what Crayon Collection is ? Yes .

Sheila Moravati

What's the best way to reach out ? Crayon collection dot org is our website and all we're on social media , Facebook , Instagram , all of that youtube under Crayon collection . We're constantly trying to reach out to new restaurants .

Sheila Moravati

And I'd find a school in need to pick up once a month before I knew it , restaurants were saving over 3000 crayons a month . And now we are in all 50 states , nine countries served over 45,000 kids and saved 14 million crayons . And we even have a Guinness record under our belt from last year , which was National crayon Collection month .

Sheila Moravati

And we even have a Guinness record under our belt from last year , which was National crayon Collection month . During August , we donated 1,009,500 crayons to 700 L A US D teachers from title and schools . Oh my gosh .