Joseph Harounian

And thank you for having me . I have to say I was really impressed when I came in , I had heard about infrared sauna pods and I had heard about lymphatic massages . I didn't really know what any of it meant until I came in and I slept like a baby after using your pod .

Joseph Harounian

But I really , I fell asleep after 15 minutes in the pod . I fall asleep every single time in the lymphatic compression , massage and in the infrared because it's relaxing your nervous system and you're just shutting down and we are so stressed these days with constantly being on our phones and social media and text messaging whatever it is that we don't just shut everything off and just relax . That's right .

Joseph Harounian

I stress and shed all the stress . And what about the lymphatic compression massage , which I had , which I thought was super cool because it wasn't a woman or a man touching my body . I was like in these , you know , little , right ?

Joseph Harounian

And it's also detoxing the lymphatic system by pushing the limp to go to the lymph nodes and detox all the joint that is in our lymphatic system , which is all the fluid I say that is in our body . So the perfect combination would be to come in and do a lymphatic massage , get a treatment and that really does jumpstart you from , I mean , I honestly personally did it and felt really relaxed that day and I slept really well . So it really does work , right ?

Joseph Harounian

What does it do ? So basically infrared saunas , they heat your core so that you detox at a cellular level versus conventional sauna that are heating you from outside and you're not really healing your inside . So , and as you know , your head is out , so you're breathing fresh air and then after like 30 minutes , your body starts pushing out toxins .